Unlock the
science of Harmony

Experience transformative wellness through Guided Meditation with our cutting-edge RASHA™ technology.
Your Journey to energetic equilibrium starts here.

Upgrade Your Life experience

With the hustle and bustle of modern life, our well-being frequently takes a back seat. We are constantly bombarded by negative influences – be it the stress of our jobs, environmental toxins, or even the emissions from our everyday home and workplace electronics. All these combined elements, day in and day out can wreak havoc on our energetic health, creating a disconnect between our body, mind, and spirit.

The truth is, most of us are so caught up in the doing of life that we hardly notice the silent erosion of our health and happiness that accumulates as we move through our lives.

Many come to accept fatigue, exhaustion, psychosocial stress, and dis-ease as standard side effects of our fast-paced lifestyles. When we ignore or fail to realise these are warning signs, our bodies cry out for attention, begging us to re-establish the fundamental energetic harmony we’ve lost.

Suppose you want to thrive, not merely survive. In that case, it’s time to pause, take a step back, and intentionally reconnect with your energetic self. We need to heal broken pathways, restore our vital energy, and re-establish the balance that has been disrupted by our modern existence.

Signs of Energetic Imbalances

The RASHA™ & Insension support you in transcending these imbalances

Chronic Tiredness

Chronic Tiredness

Low energy & lack of vitality takes away our ability to be fully present for everyday tasks and the joys of life.

Stress & Anxiety

Stress & Anxiety

Intense feelings of unease and tension that disturb your inner peace and wellness.

Sleep Issues

Sleep Issues

Trouble getting or staying asleep, leaving you drained and less capable to perform at your best.

Negative Emotional States

Negative Emotional States

Looped negative thoughts & repetitive emotions blocking satisfaction and happiness.

Impaired Physical Recovery

Impaired Physical Recovery

Persistent aches that impede your body's inherent ability to heal and rejuvenate.

Brain Strain

Brain Strain

Reduced focus, clarity, and decision-making skills affecting our overall cognition.

Addictions & PTSD

Addictions & PTSD

Difficulty expressing our true self due to energetic indigestion and stuck energy patterns.

Relationship Struggles

Relationship Struggles

Issues in communicating and establishing deep connections with others, affecting the quality of your interpersonal relationships.

Our mIssion

At Insension, our mission is to alleviate suffering and to empower individuals on their transformative journey towards holistic well-being. Through immersive experiences, both in-person and virtually, we catalyse profound shifts in consciousness, fostering personal growth and a purposeful life. 

Guided by energetic medicine and ancient wisdom, we nurture self-discovery, healing, and authenticity. We inspire conscious living, inner balance, and positive change, creating a global community united in pursuit of vitality and wholeness.

Our Three Pillars

Access all of your abilities to master your reality and co-create for the highest good of all.

Pillar 1

Energetic Wholeness

Restore your energetic pathways and remove the specific blockages that conflict with your goals.

pillar 2

Connected Growth

Maintain your newfound balance and energetic harmony through regular group sessions.

pillar 3

Embodied Change

Focused intention & divine connection creating a real change in our external reality.

Our Technology


The world’s most advanced quantum energetic device, capable of emitting thousands of different frequencies that realign one’s energetic and physical state to balance, wellness, and harmony.

Our Capabilities

10000 +
25 +


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The time to unlock your true potential is now, and our packages can get you there faster.




Unlimited Access to our virtual group RASHA™ Sessions each month!


per month

ONE-on-ONE (1:1) RASHA™

75-Minute SESSION


Individually tailored one-on-one RASHA™ session (virtual or in-person)


single session



Six tailored one-on-one individual RASHA™ sessions (virtual or in-person)


6-session package

Would you like a custom RASHA™ package designed to meet your needs or do you need more information prior to booking?

Book a Discovery Call  to learn more about the RASHA™ and Quantum Healing
